The Tube Amp Preservation Society anounces this
Area 51, combo
, just a beautiful thing.
Terry uses Fender , Marshall, and Matamp Amps
The Tube Amp Hall of Fame Site6
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Welcome to Terry's
"Tube Amp Hall of Fame Site 6"!
pages 31 and up
 click on it and buy one
The Model Two amplifier from Area 51.
30 watts RMS, Tube compliment: (1)5AR4/GZ34 rectifier,
(2)6V6S JJ output, (1)12AT7, (2)12AX7.
the amp for you gigging players
I personally love this amp Its got that Sexapeal.
Go to there site and Buy One
This is a hobby of mine and I hope you have some fun here and learn something about Tube Amps.
If you have pictures of a Tube Amp not already listed here, send it on over.
I'll put your name as the submitter, if you wish.
I have obtained many of these pictures from online displays of Amps.
So any submissions would be welcomed. I cannot guarentee yours will be presented but probaly it will.
Welcome!! And If you want to sponsor me and this site use the contact me!!!
Warning! Working inside a tube amp means exposure to HIGH VOLTAGES.
Please be careful and observe all safety measures.
The Tube Amp Hall of Fame will not be responsible for any mishaps
resulting from use of any information from this website.
Disclaimer: This site is a hobby and is not in the bussiness of making money. Yet.
If you are a company or orgainazation who's name is on this web site,
and for some reason you dont want to be included in this awesome display
of American freedom of speech and enjoyment of and the freedom of life it self,
if then you require your name or company icon removed from this greatest of human endevors.
Then just drop me an email and let me know what page within, and what sentence,
inspecific, then I would gladly remove you or your name from these premisis.
Thank you,
Dont forget my other sites;
entire site (c)2001 Little Creek Gold
Music copyright Barefootterry,2001 ASCAP -- LCG
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Schematic, Schematics, Diagrams, Circuits, Amp, Amps, Amplifier, Amplifiers, Effect, Effects, Pedal, Tubes, Valves. Vacuum, Audio, Analog, Digital, Guitar, Bass, Fender, Marshall, Gibson, Ampeg, Vox, Dumble, Mesa Boogie, Gretsch. Harmony, Kalamazoo, Kay, Magnatone, Selmer, Silvertone, Supro, Traynor, Univox, Valco, Airline, Alamo, Danelectro. Garnet, Tel-Ray, Hiwatt, Laney, Matchless, Music Man, Orange, Rickenbacker, Soldano, Sunn, Trace Elliot, Ibanez, Boss. MXR, DOD, Colorsound, Electro Harmonix, Maestro, echoplex, Acoustic, Kendrick, Peavey, Trainwreck, Hughes & Kettner. Vibratone, Vintage, Tweed, Silverface, Brownface, Blackface, Mods, Modification, Conversion, Electronics, Preamp. Poweramp, Audio, Free, DIY, Musical Instruments, Tone, Music. Aims, Alamo, Arline, Wards, Ashton, Burman, Calsel, Danelectro, Dynacord, Duncan, Earth, Elektar, Electromuse. Electroplex, Engle, Epiphone, Garnet, Goldentone, Gretsch, Guild, Hagstrom, Harmony, Hohner, Impact, Jordan, JMF. Kalamazoo, Kay, Kent, Klemtecholette, London Electric, Magnatone, Masco, Estey, National, Oahu, Park, Premier. Multivox, Rockola, Ray Massie, Sano, Selmer, Sho-Bud, Silvertone, Sound City, Sundown, Supro, Tel-Ray, Transatlantic. Traynor, Univox, Valco, Watkins, Westbury. Allesandro, Acoustic, ADA, Badcat, Bogner, Carver, Carvin, Crate, Elk, Epiphone, Gallien Kreuger, Groove Tubes. HiWatt, Hughes & Kettner, Jim Kelly, Kendrick, Kittyhawk, Laney, London City, Matchless, Moog, Lab Series, Music Man. Nobels, Orange, Pignose, Peavey, Randall, Red Bear, Rick Tone, Rickenbacker, Rivera, Roland, Seymour Duncan. Simms-Watts, SJB, Soldano, Sovtek, Sun Down, Sunn, SWR, Top Hat, Trace Elliot, Yamaha. FREE Schematics, Free Amp Schematics, Amp Schematic, Amp Schematics, Amplifier schematic, Amplifier schematics. Amp Diagrams, Amp Circuits, Tube Amp Schematics, Valve Amp Schematics, Vacuum Tube Schematics, Audio Tube Schematics. Effect Schematics, Effect pedal schematics, Analog effect schematics, Digital effect schematics. Guitar amp schematics, Bass amp schematics, Fender amp schematics, Marshall amp schematics, Gibson amp schematics. Ampeg amp schematics, Vox amp schematics, Dumble amp schematics, Mesa Boogie amp schematics, Gretsch amp schematics. Harmony amp schematics, Kalamazoo amp schematics, Kay amp schematics, Magnatone amp schematics, Selmer amp schematics. Silvertone amp schematics, Supro amp schematics, Traynor amp schematics, Univox amp schematics, Valco amp schematics. Airline amp schematics, Alamo amp schematics, Danelectro amp schematics, Garnet amp schematics, Tel-Ray amp schematics. Hiwatt amp schematics, Laney amp schematics, Matchless amp schematics, Music Man amp schematics, Orange amp schematics. Rickenbacker amp schematics, Soldano amp schematics, Sunn amp schematics, Trace Elliot amp schematics. Ibanez schematics, Boss schematics, MXR schematics, DOD schematics, Colorsound schematics, Electro Harmonix schematics. Maestro schematics, echoplex schematics, Acoustic schematics, Kendrick schematics, Peavey schematics. Trainwreck schematics, Hughes & Kettner schematics, Westbury Schematics, Vibratone schematics, Vintage amp schematics. Tweed amp schematics, Silverface amp schematics, Brownface amp schematics, Blackface amp schematics, amp Mods, effect mods. amp Modification, effect modification, amp Conversion, Electronics, Preamp, amplifier preamp, amplifier Poweramp, Audio. Free, FREE, DIY, Musical Instruments, Amp Tone, Amplifier Tone, Audio, Music. Tube Amp Schematics ,Valve Amp Schematics ,Vacuum Tube ,schematics,Audio Tube Schematics ,Amp Diagrams ,Amp Circuits,Effect Schematics,Effect Pedal Schematics ,Fender Amp,Schematics ,Marshall Amp Schematics ,Gibson Amp Schematics ,Vox Amp Schematics,Ampeg Amp Schematics ,Dumble Amp,Schematics ,Amp Schematic Manual,Amp Mods,Amp Modifications ,Digital Effect Pedal Schematics ,Analog Effect Pedal schematics ,Fender Amp Schematics ,Marshall Amp Schematics ,Gibson Amp Schematics,Vox Amp Schematics ,Ampeg Amp Schematics ,Dumble Amp Schematics ,Mesa Boogie Amp Schematics ,Boogie Amp Schematics,PA Amp Schematics,Hi-Fi Amp Schematics,Integrated Amp Schematics ,Audio Amp Schematics ,Amp Schematic Manuals,Tube Amplifier Schematics ,Valve Amplifier Schematics,Vacuum Tube Schematics ,Audio Tube Schematics,Amplifier Diagrams,Amplifier Circuits,Effect Schematics,
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Condoleezza Rice,tony blair,england,united kingdom,globe trecker,vote,
mom,dad, kitchen sink
there that should cover it
The end